+ + + Masaki's Instant Photo Gallery + + +


I like Tsukada [Blue shirt in up-row] and Shota [Red in left],
but I don't like . . . all my friends know why I don't like him!!!


This is a guy whom I like  much . . .
You are still my No.1 and you will be my No.1 forever


< < < ITaDaKiMaSu > > >

He is my third luv =^^=


No.2 and No.4 for me . . . They are best friend of each other [Sugoi Ne . . . ]


We Are CooL CooL CooL CooL CooL


You? You are CooL too!!! You are very nice and kind.
I've never thought before that I'll have a chance to talk to you.
Althought it's a little conversation but I'm happy =^^=


Ryo-kun, I can't call him [Ryo-chan] any more. Now he grow up very much.